About the Journal
Mechanical Technology and Engineering Insights (MTEI) is a premier international, peer-reviewed journal that champions the dissemination of scholarly research and technological innovation within the broad field of mechanical engineering. MTEI is committed to publishing cutting-edge, high-quality scientific contributions that propel the understanding, design, and application of mechanical technology and engineering practices. Our journal's scope spans across an expansive array of topics including, but not limited to, advanced materials science, automation and robotics, manufacturing processes, energy systems, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and sustainability in engineering practices.
Focus and Scope: MTEI is dedicated to becoming a cornerstone for researchers, industry professionals, and academics, offering insights into both fundamental and applied research in mechanical engineering. We aim to cover the latest developments in mechanical technology, from theoretical frameworks to practical applications and case studies, fostering innovation and progress in the field.
Open Access Policy: MTEI operates under an open access model, where all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Our goal is to make research freely accessible to support a greater global exchange of knowledge and to promote the advancement of engineering sciences.
Copyright Notice: Authors who publish with MTEI retain copyright to their work, granting the journal a license to publish the article and to identify itself as the original publisher. Articles are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Sponsorship Disclosure: MTEI is supported by a network of academic and industrial partnerships that ensure the journal's sustainability and integrity. All sponsors and partners are disclosed in the journal's sponsorship section to maintain transparency and trust with our readers and contributors.
Archival System: MTEI is included in major LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archives to ensure the long-term preservation of digital journal content. This archival strategy guarantees that the scholarly record is preserved and accessible to future researchers and industry professionals.
History of the Journal: Launched with the vision of bridging gaps between traditional mechanical engineering disciplines and innovative technological advancements, MTEI seeks to reflect the dynamic evolution of the field. By providing a platform for the dissemination of significant research and development, the journal aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue among researchers and practitioners, paving the way for future innovations.
Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in MTEI's submission website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Publication Frequency: MTEI publishes bi-annually, ensuring timely dissemination of its rigorous and impactful research findings.
eISSN (Online): [to be assigned]
Publication Fee: MTEI is committed to open access for academic research, and as such, publishes articles free of charge to both authors and readers.
Publication Frequency: MTEI publishes two online issues per year, with processed and accepted papers continually added throughout the year.
Publishers: MTEI is proudly published by the Global Engineering and Technology Publishing Group, a leader in fostering academic and professional engineering insights that drive innovation and industry progress.
Through its comprehensive coverage and dedication to the principles of open access and rigorous peer review, MTEI aims to be an indispensable resource for the mechanical engineering community, facilitating the advancement of knowledge and technological progress across industries and academic disciplines.