Effects of Gum Arabic as Binder on The Physico-Mechanical Properties of Briquettes Made from Corn Cob


  • Nneka Blessing Ekwe Chemical Engineering Department, University of Abuja, Abuja–Nigeria‎.
  • Alameen Yahaya Chemical Engineering Department, University of Abuja, Abuja–Nigeria.


Briquette, Binder, GumArabic


This study presents effect of gum Arabic as binder on the physical and mechanical properties of briquette made from corn cob. The corn cobs were charred and mixed with different concentrations (0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%) of gum Arabic to form paste. The paste was compacted under 0.215 MPa for 5 minutes in a manual press to produce briquette. The physical tests comprising density, shatter resistance, water resistance and compressive test were carried out. The results demonstrated significant increase in the density (0.63gm-3 compressed density, 0.42 gm-3), high shatter resistance index (99.87%), good water resistance index (85.52%) and good compressive strength (3.7 MPa) in comparison with the non-binder briquette. The study shows that the gum Arabic as a binder enhanced the qualities of the briquette in strength and durability                     


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How to Cite

Effects of Gum Arabic as Binder on The Physico-Mechanical Properties of Briquettes Made from Corn Cob. (2024). Mechanical Technology and Engineering Insights, 1(1), 47-52. https://mtei.reapress.com/journal/article/view/23