Comparison of the Effect of Local Binders on the Green and Dry Compression Strength of Cores


  • Iyenagbe Benjamin Ugheoke Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Abuja
  • Emmanuel Ogo Onche Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Abuja, FCT, Nigeria


Cores, Green compression strength, Dry compression strength, Sand


This research was carried out to investigate the effect of local binders on the green and dry compression strength of sand cores. The local binders used were composed of corn, cassava, and yam starch. The green compression strengths of the samples were observed to increase with increasing percentage of the binders. The maximum compressive strengths obtained were 45.78kN/m2, 42.89kN/m2 and 47.24kN/m2 for yam, corn and cassava starch respectively. The optimal value obtained from the cassava starch corresponds to the standard green compression strength for the cores used for casting malleable iron. Furthermore, an increase in moisture content was also observed to lead to a corresponding increase in green compression strength. The optimal value of 47.24kN/m2 was obtained from 20% cassava starch, 7% moisture content and 200g of silica sand.

Author Biography

  • Emmanuel Ogo Onche, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

    Dr Emmanuel Once is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Abuja.


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How to Cite

Comparison of the Effect of Local Binders on the Green and Dry Compression Strength of Cores. (2024). Mechanical Technology and Engineering Insights, 1(1), 1-7.